Who are you? I'm Samantha, thus the name of the blog, and I'm a pretty mouthy, opinionated and chatty woman that writes about ever...


  1. Who are you? I'm Samantha, thus the name of the blog, and I'm a pretty mouthy, opinionated and chatty woman that writes about everything under the sun. 
  2. How old are you? I'm 29 and an Aquarius!
  3. What is your biggest fear? Forgetting who I am, not staying true to myself, and not becoming successful in my chosen career. I have three, I suppose. 
  4. Where do you live? Houston, Texas for the moment. 
  5. What are your hobbies? I love, love, love to read! Seriously, if I could get paid to read smutty romance novels, I would jump at the position. If you've read through the blog, you'll note the list of my favorite romance novels. I have over 400 e-books and over 200 actual books. I have a bit of a problem actually. Barnes and Nobel loves me since I drop over $5,000 a year. I do love music, attending Broadway shows, and just being normal. Netflix is one of my best friends, no joking here. 
  6. What do you do for a living? My title is Business Development Manager which is a fancy way of saying "lots of things like marketing, event planning, social media and direct sales." 
  7. Do you review products? I review products at my own discretion but am prone to review novels, restaurants, makeup and skincare products.  I do not charge for my reviews. You can reach me at samanthaalice91@gmail.com!