Overview :  Sometimes the past won’t stay where it belongs. Sara’s number one rule of dating: closed off, secretive men need not apply. Ye...

Romance Review | Hidden Scars (Hidden Scars #1) by Amanda K. Byrne

OverviewSometimes the past won’t stay where it belongs.

Sara’s number one rule of dating: closed off, secretive men need not apply. Years of therapy helped her move past the damage done by her emotionally abusive boyfriend, and she’s ready to date again. Someone funny, laid back, and easy to talk to. All things her coworker Taylor isn’t.

Taylor’s quiet. Too quiet. He operates in permanent stealth mode, and he hides his secrets as well as Sara does. She doesn’t want to be attracted to him, but after a night spent in a hotel room together, trapped by a blizzard, she can’t deny there’s a fire-hot connection between them, waiting to ignite. Their working relationship inches closer and closer to friendship, until one day she gathers her courage and kisses him.

It’s the match Taylor was waiting for.

What starts as a sweet, fumbling friendship quickly becomes a passionate and intense affair. Just when Sara’s starting to feel safe in Taylor’s arms, his secrets come out, and she wonders if she’ll ever be able to stop looking over her shoulder.

Purchase Links: AmazonBarnes and NobleiTunes
Publishing Date: September 22, 2015
Stars: 4.5
My Review: I have to start by saying the first Amanda K. Byrne novel I read really gripped and moved me with the story and her fantastic writing so when she reached out and asked if I would read and review this novel I said sure. This novel is a lighter read but I'm glad I chose to read it. The writing is still her A game and the story is still compelling enough to keep me up until I finish it.Hidden Scars receives a deeply satisfied 4.5 stars from me. 

Both Taylor and Sara are sales executives who, from time to time, work together on certain clients. Since Taylor's nature is quiet and reserved, Sara didn't know much about him until the night they get stranded in Chicago with one hotel room and one bed. Once she saw his tattooed back, Sara fell into the proverbial rabbit hole. The two's chemistry, sexual tension, and awareness of one another rise until Taylor takes small, measured steps to get closer to Sara.

Taylor is perceptive enough to realize Sara's been through some things in her life that mean he must walk a fine line in order to not scare her off. He takes notice of her favorite drinks, food, and what makes her relax and what doesn't. He finds himself wanting to have her and make her feel safe while struggling with his own ugly past. 

Sara's struggled to feel confident and safe since her ex left unseen scars. She struggles with liking the way Taylor makes her feel and being terrified of whatever it is that they are doing. She's smart, focused, honest, and crafty. 

Watching the two weave into each other's private lives was a bit refreshing. While Taylor liked to take care of Sara, he was well aware of her own strengths and need for independence. He was a good balance and exactly what Sara needed in a partner. Sara was good for Taylor, just as he was good for her. Their pasts do not stay there and make for a bit of action and movement during the novel. I look forward to reading more from Byrne!