The much talked about concept of "The Bucket List." I created one a few years ago and finally feel confident in sharing it. The id...

The Bucket List

The much talked about concept of "The Bucket List." I created one a few years ago and finally feel confident in sharing it. The idea of having this list is to have something to reference as you go through life and say "I did things and experienced things I really wanted to." Do you have a bucket list? If not, are you thinking of creating one? 

The List

1. Live Abroad

2. Go to Asia
3. Go to My Ethnic Backgrounds as an Adult
4. Work for a Global Company
5. Get Married to a Life Partner
6. Buy a House
7. Live in LA, Seattle, Boston or back in NYC
8. Cut My Hair into a Long Bob
9. Dye My Entire Head Pink
10. Live Alone
11. Get a Dog or a Cat
12. Go on an African Safari
13. See the Pyramids in Egypt
14. Become an Instructor (Cycle, Yoga, Mat Pilates or something similar)
15. Buy a Luxury Car
16. Travel Solo

What I've Accomplished 

1. Travel Solo - I accomplished this earlier this year in February when I went to Taiwan. I'm glad I did it because the experience was fantastic and I saw I enjoyed traveling alone.

2. Go to Asia - Once again, Taiwan checked this off but Thailand will also check this off when I go next year.

3. Go to My Ethnic Backgrounds as an Adult - Within the last two years I've been to Puerto Rico, Spain, Italy and Portugal. This summer ensured I checked this off.

4. Buy a Luxury Car - In June I began financing an Acura so that has been checked off. 

5. Live Alone - Last July I moved into my first apartment alone. This has been checked off for over a year. 

6. Get a Dog or a Cat - Earlier this year I put a deposit down for my Wei, a Pomeranian, and picked him up in March. This was going to wait another few years but after the death of my beloved Rusty I didn't do so well and ended up getting a puppy.


  1. Oh I do love a list when you can already tick stuff on. Its a great list and you've made a great start, well done x

  2. I want to do a list, I have a vision board but that’s about it! Most of them are pretty similar, great post ��
