Not everyone is into reading romance, I get that, but I think the reason so many people don't is because of the stigma that comes with reading it. Honestly, the truth is that some of the most powerful, educated, and wealthy women on this planet enjoy reading romance novels so you shouldn't feel ashamed. I've pulled together a list of books and series that even those who normally don't read romance would really enjoy. Sometimes it just takes the right kind of book for you to enjoy reading a specific genre and I'm about positive one of these will trigger that for anyone who dares to give one a try!
1. Bared to You by Sylvia Day - I can literally read and reread this series, will be completed soon, because Sylvia Day is such a fabulous writer and Gideon is such a tragically redeemable hero that you fall head over heels for him. This isn't your typical happy, fluffy romance story line which is probably why it is one of my favorite reads of all time.
5. Crave by Jennifer Dawson - This story tugs at your very soul and leaves you raw. It's tragically beautiful and erotic. I remember feeling emotionally drained after reading this because it is that powerful.
6. Filthy Desire by Sebastian Ex - This story is filthy, raunchy, and just so fucking awesome I can't help but curse when I think of it. This is completely written in the male point of view and the writer is a male which is even better. This is a gritty story and one that will keep you locked in until the last page.
7. Since Drew by J. Nathan - This is the only New Adult novel to make the list but it is really something to behold. The story will captive, charm, and tug at your heartstrings. There's a paranormal element that adds to the story in a great way, too. If you don't fall in love with Drew then there really is no winning your heart.