With all the social media at our fingertips, people attempt to paint their lives to be perfect and charmed, we forget perfection doesn...

Getting Honest with Flaws

With all the social media at our fingertips, people attempt to paint their lives to be perfect and charmed, we forget perfection doesn't actually exist. People have bad days, flaws and so on. It's important to realize your flaws and own them. Everyone on this planet has at least three flaws, some are just better at appearing perfect than others. For me, I'm very aware of who I am as a person and that means I'm quite aware of my own flaws. 

I have an obsessive and addictive personality. I obsess over quite a few things and exert a lot of energy going after something or someone I've set my sights on. For instance, my job hunt: I'm obsessed with landing a job I really want which means I've applied to almost 500 jobs. While it is a flaw, it can also be a strength and that's what I try to keep it as. It can definitely overwhelm a love interest if he isn't feeling the same way I am and that can be problematic. Having an addictive personality means once I'm hooked, I'm totally enslaved and it can be really hard to snap out of it. Think of binge watching a show because you can't stop? Kind of like that. 

I have a pretty short temper and am a nightmare to deal with when stressed or during my time of the month. I am snappy, overly aggressive and downright nasty. I honestly question how my close friends and family deal with me sometimes because I'm like the Queen of Hell. I suppose they take it for what it is, not them, but something that is unique to me and my own flaw. 

I am a manipulator. Yes, you read that right, I manipulate people. I'm the Queen of Manipulation and while it is quite negative usually, it can come in handy. I'm abrasive yet persuasive. I'm clever, observant and able to understand how a person needs to be handled in order to be manipulated without them even realizing it. It is a blessing and a curse because the power of manipulation can be a heady tool when it comes to surviving in the world. I think most people are manipulators at some level, I just am aware of how good I am at it. However, I tend to not manipulate people close to me and that I care about.

Have you come to terms with your own flaws? What are they? Have you learned to use them in a good light or are they things you just ignore and try to put away? 


  1. Rather than having a short temper, one of my flaws is that I'm just very stubborn. If there's something I do/don't want to do. No matter how much someone tries to persuade me (even if my mind ends up telling me to do it...), I won't listen!
    Aleeha xXx

  2. Embrace all your flaws and accept yourself for who you are instead turn them into positives and work on things you want to. Making the first step is understanding what they're are. Pixie xx http://pixieox.co

  3. I love this post, one of the hardest thing a person can do is face their flaws, but we wouldn't be the same without them!


  4. At least you can be honest about all this, some people would be far too scared to post such things. It's great how you completely own it! I'm getting there with my flaws, maybe one day I'll be able to talk about them.

    Jordanne || Thelifeofaglasgowgirl.co.uk

  5. Its so amazing that you are honest about this! Accepting your flaws is such a brave thing to do and you are very inspiring.

    Lauren | laurmatthews.blogspot.com

  6. I relate to this so much! Minus the manipulation point, you have described me! Such a great post! X

  7. I really appreciate your honesty and love your use of TVD GIFs! I think I'm still working on accepting my flaws, but I think acknowledging that they exist and everyone has them is the first step.

  8. Very honest! Everyone has flaws but sometimes flaws can be admirable, they make us who we are! And being truly aware of your flaws lets you take control of them. XX

  9. I love how honey you are about this! I recognise some of my flaws in yours. I can get very obsessive over things and get a short temper when stressed as well. I'm glad the people around me deal with it the way they do, but I still wish I was different...

    Sarah | lavenderlife.co

  10. I love that you were so honest about these things! I would actually love to do a post like this!

  11. Your honesty is beyond great. At first I thought "Whoa, she manipulates people and is proud?? That is not okay" but then I kept reading and realized that if I was honest with myself I would see that I myself am incredibly manipulative and proud of it. Some flaws can be used in positive ways and coming to terms with them (good and bad) is the best thing you can do.


  12. I think it's great to realise your flaws and also turn them into strengths if you can. It's not the end of the world, none of us are perfect. We're a very complex species.

    corrie | corriearnold.co.uk
